C++ STL+

Standard Template Library (STL)


container: to manage collection of objects of certain type. e.g dequeue, lists, vector, map
algorithm: provides ways to perform init, sort, search, transform container's content
iterators: to step through containers

Containers provide some common api: empty(), size(), clear()-remove all elems and make size=0, v1.swap(v2): v1 becomes empty, v2 gets v1 elems, copy constructor vector<int> v2(v1).

One way to categorize containers:
Array basedvector, dequeue. invalidates native, iterator and iterator pointer
vector<int> v={1,2,3};
int *p=&v[1];  //p points to 2
v.insert(v.begin(), 0); //p may print 2 or any other random number, undefined behaviour.
Everytime you move/insert something to vector, previous pointer might get invalid. Stop using pointer after insertion to array based container.

Node basedlist, associative containers, unordered containers.
previously assigned pointer remains even after insert/add as long as member it points is not deleted.

Another way to categorize containers:
I. Sequence Container (arr/linked list): vector, dequeue, list, forward list, array
a) Vector: dynamically allocated contiguous array in memory. int *ptr=&v[0]; p[2]=10;
vector<int> v; v.push_back(10);
v[2] //no bounds check.   v.ar(2) throw range_error exception of out of range.
+ O(1) add/remove at end, O(n) add/remove in middle/start, O(n) search
b) Dequeue: can grow both at end and start
dequeue<int> deq={1,2,3};
deq.push_front(0);  deq.push_back(4);
+ fast add/remove at begin/end, O(n) add/remove in middle, O(n) search
c) List: doubly LL.
+ fast add/remove at any place, O(n) search
list<int> l={5,2,9};
l.push_back(6);  l.push_front(4); //list={4,5,2,9,6}
list<int>::iterator it=find(l.begin(), l.end(), 2);  //find an item of 2, it points to 2.
l.insert(it, 8); //list={4,5,8,2,9,6}
it++;  //it points to 9
l.erase(it); //list={4,5,8,2,6}
+ O(1) add/remove at any place, O(n) search, no random access operator[].

list1.splice(it, list2, it_a, it_b);  //O(1) big advantage.
d) Forward list: only traverse from start to end. singly LL.
e) Array:
array<<int, 3> a={1,2,3};  //size can not be changed.
array<<int, 4> b={1,2,3, 4};  //size can not be changed.
a.begin(), a.end(), a.size(), a.swap()
function can take fixed size array (??).

sequence container doe snot have find().

II. Associative Containers(binary tree): set/multiset, map/multimap
always sorted (default criteria <), No push_back, push_front().
a) Set/Multiset: no duplicates.
set<int> s; s.insert(3); s.insert(1); s.insert(7);   //O(log n)
set<int>::iterator it;
it=s.find(7); //find item 7, O(log n)
pair<set<int>::iterator, bool> ret;
ret=set.insert(3); //insert fails, 
if(ret.second==false) it=ret.first;  //it points to element 3.
s.insert(it, 9); //1,3,7,9, it points to 3. 
//Why 9 got inserted at end? Position is not decided by iterator, remember always sorted??
s.erase(it); //1,7,9
s.erase(7); //1,9

Multiset allows duplicates, value of elements can not be modified.
multiset<int> ms;
*it=10; //wrong, it is read only.
+ fast search O(log n), slow traverse wrt vector, dequeue, no random access, no [] operator.

What if you wish to sort based on key? Solution map/multimap.
b) Map/Multimap
each element is pair of key/val. keys can not be changed.
Map does not allow duplicate.

map<char, int> m;
m.insert( pair<char,int>('a', 10));
m.insert(make_pair('b', 20);

map<char,int>::iterator it=m.begin();
m.insert(it, pair<char, int> ('c', 30));

it=m.find('c'); //O(log n)
for(it=m.begin();it<m.end();it++)  cout<<(*it).first<<"=>"<<(*it).second>>endl; //print map

allows duplicate keys, keys unmodifiable.   (*it).first='k'; //wrong
Why, because type of (*it) is pair<const char, int>. const char can not be changed.

III. Unordered Containers(hash table): unordered set/multiset, unordered map/multimap. 
If fast and effective hash function can fast member in O(1). can be fastest container. 
unordered set/multiset: element value can not be changed.
unordered map/multimap: key can not be changed.
a) Unordered set/multiset
unordered_set<string>  s={"red", "green", "blue"}
unordered_set<string>::const_iterator it=s.find("green"); //O(1);
if(it!=s.end()) cout<<*it<<endl;

vector<string> v={"pink", "purp"};
s.insert(v.begin(), v.end()); //add all items of vector into set

//Hash specific
s.load_factor(): ratio of total elements/total buckets
string k="red"; cout<<"red is in bucket #"<<s.bucket(k)<<endl;
cout<<"total bucket"<<s.bucket_count()<<endl;

b) unordered multiset allows duplicate elements
c) unordered map: unordered set of pairs
d) unordered multimap: unordered map that allows duplicate keys

Hash table gives amortized constant time search, but performance can degrade due to hash collision (when items are inserted into single/less buckets).

Associative Array: using map/unordered map. 
Const search unordered_map while map has O(log n).
Unordered map can degrade to linear search while map guarantees O(log n) search.
Can not use multimap/unordered multimap as they dont have unique key and [] operator.

unordered_map<char, string> day={ {'S', "Sunday", {'M', "Monday"} };
vector<int> v={1,2,3};
v[5]=5; //compiler error
day['W']="Wednesday";  //same as below
day.insert(make_pair('F', "Friday"));

day.insert(make_pair('M', "Monday")); //fail to change, its unordered_map.
day['M']="MONDAY"; //works fine
insert() can not modify existing functions, however [] can be used to modify existing member.

[] provides write access to container.
//way to print element of map.
void fun(const unordered_map<char, string>& m){
//cout << m['S']<<endl 
auto it=m.find('S');

Container Adapter
Implemented using fundamental container classes, provides interface for specific operation.
stack: LIFO. push(), pop(), top().
queue: FIFO. push(), pop(), front(), back().
priority queue: first element has highest priority. push(), pop(), top().

C++ Header: vector, dequeue, list, set, map, unordered_set, unordered_map, iterator, algorithm, numeric, functional

Iterator Types: iterator, const_iterator.
Every container has iterator and const_iterator.
    list<int<::iterator itr;
    list<int>::const_iterator const_itr;
e.g. for(citr=l.begin(); citr!=l.end(); citr++){ cout<<*citr<<endl;  } // *ctr=3: error
       foreach(l.cbegin();l.cend(); func) //Only C++11

Iterator Function: advance, distance
advance(itr,5); //take itr 5 forward. For random access itrator: itr+=5; convenient for other iterators.
distance(itr1, it2); //calculate distance between itr1 and itr2

Random access iterator: For vector, dequeue, arrays
vector<int> itr;
itr=itr+5;  itr=itr-5; //advance/recede by 5
if(itr2>itr1) //ok
++itr; --itr; //pre-increment faster than post form, because does not need to return old value
Bidirectional Iterator: For list, set/multiset, map/multimap.
Can not compare, can not add/dec numbers
list<int> itr;  ++itr;  --itr;
Forward Iterator: forward_list<int> itr;  ++itr;
- Input Iterator: Read and process values while iterating forward. Can reference its value but can not write to it. int x=*itr;
- Output Iterator: Output values while iterating forward. Can write values into it. *itr=100;
Input and Output iterators can only move forward.
Unordered Containers provide at least forward iterators and have option to provide bidirectional iterator.

Iterator Adapter:
Predefined iterator doing more that just iterating.
insert iterator: insert_iterator, back_insert_iterator, front_insert_iterator.
vector<int> v1={10,11,12};   vector<int> v2={5,6,14,15};
vector<int>iterator it=find(v2.begin(), v2.end(), 16);
insert_iterator<vector<int>> i_itr(v2, it);
copy(v1.begin(), v2.end(); i_itr); //v2={5,6,10,11,14,15};

stream iterator:
vector<string> v;
copy(istream_iterator<string>(cin), istream_iterator<string>(), back_insert(v)); //copiy everything fron standard input and insert to vector v.
copy(v.begin(), v.end(), ostream_iterator<string>(cout, " "); //copy everything in v is printed to standard out, each element space separated.
//combine above as:
copy(istream_iterator<string>(cin), istream_iterator<string>(cout, " "));

reverse iterator: Provided for every container
vector<int> v={1,2,3,4};
reverse_iterator<vector<int>::iterator> rit;
for(rit=v.begin(); rit!=v.end(); rit++) cout<<*rit;endl;   //outputs: 4 3 21

move (C++11) iterator

Algorithm: Algo always process ranges in half open way [begin, end)
vector<int> v={2,4,5,6,1,3,7};
vector<int>::iterator it=min_element(v.begin, v.end());  //it points at 1
sort(v.begin(), it); //v={1,2,3,4,5,6,7}
reverse(it, v.end(); //v={7,3,`,6,5,4,2}

Safety Issue:
vector<int> v(5);
copy(it, v.end(),  //src
          v.begin());  //dst
//copy has src range, dst range, v needs to have at least src number of (5) element space
Not safe: as undefined when dst does not have min (5 here) elements spce.
vector<int> v;
copy(it, v.end(), back_inserter(vec3)); //safe but not efficient as inserts instead of overwrite
v.insert(v.end(), it, v.end()); //efficient and safe

bool isOdd(int i){ return i%2;};  //Algo works well with user functions
vector<int> v={2,4,5,7};
vector<int>::iterator it=find_if(v.begin(), v.end(), isOdd);  //itr points to 5

int arr[4]={2,4,5,7};
sort(arr, arr+4);  //Algo works well with C++ arrays.
here, pointer can be thought as iterator.

Functors (Function Objects)
class A{ public: void operator()(string s){cout <<"functor X caled with << s<<endl; };  //A is class, but behaves like function. remember, its not overloading, as void is given as return type
Call: A a;  a("Hello");
a is instance of class A, but can be called as if its a function.

+smart function which can remember state, can have its own type.



Vector Container
like arrays, but handles storage requirements when it grows [dynamic arrays?]

vector<int> v;    vector<int>::iterator i=v.begin();
v.size(); v.push_back(value);  v[i]:value at index i
while(i<v.end()){ value of v at index i: *i;  i++;}

resize(): v.resize(20); If require less elements, extra deleted, else added size and copies old elements. newly added elements are 0.
push_back() after resize() will add elements after resized size, not into it.

size() unsigned.
Note: Avoid: v.size()>=0  : Because all containers can not report size in O(1). Use: v.empty() to check empty vector.
clear(): make vector to contain zero elements. [does not make elements 0].

Initialize vector:
vector<int> v1;
vector<int> v2=v1;
vector<int> v3(v1);
vector<int> data(100);  //data has 100 elements initialized to 0.

vector<string> name(20, "unknown"); //

vector< vector<int> > matrix_2d(N, vector<int>(M, -1));  //create NxM matrix, initialised to -1.

Insert/Erase at position: use iterators:

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