In place removal of duplicate in string
1. Create array having 1 element for each character.
char *removeDuplictesInPlace(char *str)
bool bin_hash[NO_OF_CHARS] = {0};
int in = 0, out = 0; char this_char;
while (*(str + in))
temp = *(str + in);
if (bin_hash[this_char;] == 0)
{ bin_hash[this_char;] = 1; *(str + out) = *(str + in); out++; }
*(str+out) = '\0';
return str;
void permute_str(char *str, int left, int right) //O(n*n!)
int i;
if(left==right) printf("%s\n", str);
for(i=left; i<=right; i++)
swap((str+left), (str+i));
permute_str(str, left+1, right);
swap((str+left), (str+i)); //this is backtracking step
Print combinations of string recursive
void Combinations(int depth, char *combi, int start, char *str)
int len=strlen(str);
for(i=start; i<len; i++)
printf("%s ", combi);
if(i < len-1) Combinations(depth+1, combi, start+1, str);
Print permutations of string recursive
void Permutations(int depth, char *perm, int start, char *str)
int len=strlen(str);perm);
if(depth==len) printf("%s", perm);
for(i=start; i<len; i++)
Combinations(depth+1, perm, start+1, str);
Match first element,
Last Char Match: If A[m-1]=B[n-1], then
L[ A[0..m-1], B[0..n-1])=1+ L[ A[0..m-2], B[0..n-2])
Last Char Doesn't Match: If A[m-1]!=B[n-1], then
L[ A[0..m-1], B[0..n-1])=max( L[ A[0..m-2], B[0..n-1] , L[ A[0..m-1], B[0..n-2])
Last char match: L(PQRP, SPRP)=1+ L(PQR, SPR)
Last char does not match: L(PQRSVW, PTSUWX)=max(L(PQRSV, PTSUWX), L(PQRSVW, PTSUW)
Ai, Bj both can not be in LCS.
void compute_printLCSarray(char *A, char *B, int m, int n)
int L[m+1][n+1], i, j;
if(i==0|j==0) L[i][j]=0
else if(A[i-1]==B[j-1]) L[i][j]=L[i-1][j-1]+1;
else L[i][j]=max(L[i-1][j], L[i][j-1]);
//To print
int index=L[m][n]; char lcstring[index+1]; lcstring[index]='\0';
i=m; j=n;
while(i>0 && j>0)
if(A[i-1]==B[j-1]){ lcstring[index-1]=A[i-1]; i--; j--; index--; }
else if(L[i-1][j] > L[i][j-1]) i--;
else j--;
printf("LCString: %s", lcstring);
In place removal of duplicate in string
1. Create array having 1 element for each character.
bool bin_hash[NO_OF_CHARS] = {0}; // NO_OF_CHARS=256
2. Create two index, in and out for input and output string. int in, out;
3. While input string does not reach null character, keep moving in index if hash[this_char]!=0.
If hash[this_char] == '\0', make hash[this_char]=1 and move out and in index.
char *removeDuplictesInPlace(char *str)
bool bin_hash[NO_OF_CHARS] = {0};
int in = 0, out = 0; char this_char;
while (*(str + in))
temp = *(str + in);
if (bin_hash[this_char;] == 0)
{ bin_hash[this_char;] = 1; *(str + out) = *(str + in); out++; }
*(str+out) = '\0';
return str;
Think, how to remove only adjacent duplicates?
Think, Remove 'a', 'ab' from given string in single pass with no extra space
Other Use cases:
Remove characters from first string which are present in second string.
int *getHashArray(char *str)
int *count = (int *)calloc(sizeof(int), NO_OF_CHARS);
int i;
for (i = 0; *(str+i); i++) count[*(str+i)]++;
return count;
char *removeCommonChars(char *str, char *str2)
int *count = getHashArray(str2); //create Hash for 2nd string
Rest code is same as above.
Check if strings are rotated versions
int *count = (int *)calloc(sizeof(int), NO_OF_CHARS);
int i;
for (i = 0; *(str+i); i++) count[*(str+i)]++;
return count;
char *removeCommonChars(char *str, char *str2)
int *count = getHashArray(str2); //create Hash for 2nd string
Rest code is same as above.
Check if strings are rotated versions
void *ptr=strstr(tmp, str2); If ptr==NULL string2 is rotation of string1
str1="Hello" str2="lloHe"
tmp="HellolloHe", and strstr will show that str2 is substring of tmp.
Check if given string is rotation of a palindrome
E.g. ppppq is rotation of palindrome ppqpp
Create tmp=strcat(str, str); //contains str of len n repeated.
Find if there is palindromic substring of length n in tmp.
Permute string to generate all combinations [understand recursion]
void permute_str(char *str, int left, int right) //O(n*n!)
int i;
if(left==right) printf("%s\n", str);
for(i=left; i<=right; i++)
swap((str+left), (str+i));
permute_str(str, left+1, right);
swap((str+left), (str+i)); //this is backtracking step
To understand what is happening, modified function to print call trace (bold below).
diff permutestr.c permutestr2.c 14,16c14,15
< int i;
< printf("str:%s, left:%d, right:%d\t", str, left, right);
< if(left==right) printf("\n\toutput %s\n", str);
> int i;
> if(left==right) printf("%s\n", str);
< swap((str+left), (str+i)); printf("swap1(%d,%d): %s\n", left, i, str);
> swap((str+left), (str+i));
< swap((str+left), (str+i)); //this is backtracking step
< printf("swap2(%d, %d): %s\n", left, i, str);
> swap((str+left), (str+i)); //this is backtracking step
diff permutestr.c permutestr2.c 14,16c14,15
< int i;
< printf("str:%s, left:%d, right:%d\t", str, left, right);
< if(left==right) printf("\n\toutput %s\n", str);
> int i;
> if(left==right) printf("%s\n", str);
< swap((str+left), (str+i)); printf("swap1(%d,%d): %s\n", left, i, str);
> swap((str+left), (str+i));
< swap((str+left), (str+i)); //this is backtracking step
< printf("swap2(%d, %d): %s\n", left, i, str);
> swap((str+left), (str+i)); //this is backtracking step
For Input string: PQ str:PQ, left:0, right:1 swap1(0,0): PQ str:PQ, left:1, right:1 output PQ swap2(0, 0): PQ swap1(0,1): QP str:QP, left:1, right:1 output QP swap2(0, 1): PQ |
For Input string PQR str:PQR, left:0, right:2 swap1(0,0): PQR str:PQR, left:1, right:2 swap1(1,1): PQR str:PQR, left:2, right:2 output PQR swap2(1, 1): PQR swap1(1,2): PRQ str:PRQ, left:2, right:2 output PRQ swap2(1, 2): PQR swap2(0, 0): PQR swap1(0,1): QPR str:QPR, left:1, right:2 swap1(1,1): QPR str:QPR, left:2, right:2 output QPR swap2(1, 1): QPR swap1(1,2): QRP str:QRP, left:2, right:2 output QRP swap2(1, 2): QPR swap2(0, 1): PQR swap1(0,2): RQP str:RQP, left:1, right:2 swap1(1,1): RQP str:RQP, left:2, right:2 output RQP swap2(1, 1): RQP swap1(1,2): RPQ str:RPQ, left:2, right:2 output RPQ swap2(1, 2): RQP swap2(0, 2): PQR |
Print combinations of string recursive
void Combinations(int depth, char *combi, int start, char *str)
int len=strlen(str);
for(i=start; i<len; i++)
printf("%s ", combi);
if(i < len-1) Combinations(depth+1, combi, start+1, str);
Print permutations of string recursive
void Permutations(int depth, char *perm, int start, char *str)
int len=strlen(str);perm);
if(depth==len) printf("%s", perm);
for(i=start; i<len; i++)
Combinations(depth+1, perm, start+1, str);
First first unique character in string
- Create hash map, getHashArray containing count of occurrences of each character in string.
- Get first character whose count is 1.
for(i=0;*(str+i);i++) //for each char in str
if(hash[*(str+i)] == 1) { index=i; break; } //index in hash array. str[index]
Optimization: 2nd loop of for each char can be optimized.
store index if this is first occurrence in getHashArray().
struct indexhash{ int count; int index; };
struct indexhash*getHashArray(char *str)
Inside for loop at end:
if (count[*(str+i)].count == 1) count[*(str+i)].index = i;
int firstNonRepeating(char *str)
struct indexhash *cnt = getCharCountArray(str);
int result = INT_MAX, i;
for (i = 0; i < NO_OF_CHARS; i++)
if (cnt[i].cnt == 1 && result > cnt[i].index)
result = cnt[i].index;
return result;
struct indexhash{ int count; int index; };
struct indexhash*getHashArray(char *str)
Inside for loop at end:
if (count[*(str+i)].count == 1) count[*(str+i)].index = i;
int firstNonRepeating(char *str)
struct indexhash *cnt = getCharCountArray(str);
int result = INT_MAX, i;
for (i = 0; i < NO_OF_CHARS; i++)
if (cnt[i].cnt == 1 && result > cnt[i].index)
result = cnt[i].index;
return result;
Reverse Words in given string
Delhi is capital of India -> India of capital is Delhi.
1. Reverse all letters of each word -> ihleD si latipac fo aidnI
2. Reverse entire string -> India of capital is Delhi.
Function to reverse any sequence [When string is editable]
void reverse(char *start, char *end)
{ if(str==NULL) || *str='\0') return str;
char tmp; while(start<end){ tmp=*start; *start++=*end; *end--=tmp; }
void reverse_recursive(char *str, int start, int end)
{ char ch;
if(str==NULL) return;
if(start>=end) return;
ch = *(str+start); *(str+start)=*(str+end); *(str+end)=ch;
reverse_recursive(str, ++start, --end);
When string is not editable, create a copy using malloc and return that. Ensure to free after use in caller.
void ReverseWordsInString(char *s)
char *start=s, *tmp=s;
if(*tmp=='\0') reverse(start, tmp-1);
else if(*tmp==' ') { reverse(start, tmp-1); start=tmp + 1; }
reverse(s, tmp-1);
char tmp; while(start<end){ tmp=*start; *start++=*end; *end--=tmp; }
void reverse_recursive(char *str, int start, int end)
{ char ch;
if(str==NULL) return;
if(start>=end) return;
ch = *(str+start); *(str+start)=*(str+end); *(str+end)=ch;
reverse_recursive(str, ++start, --end);
When string is not editable, create a copy using malloc and return that. Ensure to free after use in caller.
void ReverseWordsInString(char *s)
char *start=s, *tmp=s;
if(*tmp=='\0') reverse(start, tmp-1);
else if(*tmp==' ') { reverse(start, tmp-1); start=tmp + 1; }
reverse(s, tmp-1);
Find if two strings are anagram
Anagram: string that contains same set of characters, order can be different.
int FindIfAnagram(char *str1, char *str2)
int hash1[256]={0}, hash2[256]={0}, idx;
for(idx=0; str1[idx] && str2[idx]; idx++)
{ hash1[str1[idx]]++; hash2[str2[idx]]++; }
if( str1[idx] || str2[idx] )
return 0; //Not anagram as length differ
if(hash1[idx] != hash2[idx])
return 0;
return 1;
Find if given string str3 interleaves strings str1 and str2
str3 is interleaving str1 and str 2, iff it contains all characters of str1 and str2 and order of characters is not changed.
int IsInterleaving(char *str1, char *str2, char *str3)
while(*str3!=0) //Iterate string to check for interleaving
if(*str1 == *str3) str1++; //Move str1 if matches
else if(*str2 == *str3) str2++; /Move str1 if matches
else return 0; //Matches with none, return not interleaving
str3++; //Next character of string to check
if(*A || *B)
return 0;
return 1;
O(m+n) where m and n are the lengths of strings str2 and str2
Print Interleaving of String
void PrintInterleaves(char *str1, char *str2, char *istr, int m, int n, int i)
if(m==0 && n==0) printf("%s\n", istr);
if(m!=0){ istr[i]=str1[0]; PrintInterleaves(str1+1, str2, istr, m-1, n, i+1); }
if(n!=0) { istr[i]=str2[0]; PrintInterleaves(str1, str2+1, istr, m, n-1, i+1); }
istr=malloc(m+1); istr[m+n]='\0';
Encode space with abc
Trick is to start from end.
void encode(char *str)
//Count number of spaces, return if no space
int newlen=len + numspace*3;
if(str[i]==' ' || str[i]=='\t')
{ str[newlen--]='a'; str[newlen--]='b'; str[newlen]='c'; }
else str[newlen]--]=str[i];
int FindIfAnagram(char *str1, char *str2)
int hash1[256]={0}, hash2[256]={0}, idx;
for(idx=0; str1[idx] && str2[idx]; idx++)
{ hash1[str1[idx]]++; hash2[str2[idx]]++; }
if( str1[idx] || str2[idx] )
return 0; //Not anagram as length differ
if(hash1[idx] != hash2[idx])
return 0;
return 1;
Find if given string str3 interleaves strings str1 and str2
str3 is interleaving str1 and str 2, iff it contains all characters of str1 and str2 and order of characters is not changed.
int IsInterleaving(char *str1, char *str2, char *str3)
while(*str3!=0) //Iterate string to check for interleaving
if(*str1 == *str3) str1++; //Move str1 if matches
else if(*str2 == *str3) str2++; /Move str1 if matches
else return 0; //Matches with none, return not interleaving
str3++; //Next character of string to check
if(*A || *B)
return 0;
return 1;
O(m+n) where m and n are the lengths of strings str2 and str2
Print Interleaving of String
void PrintInterleaves(char *str1, char *str2, char *istr, int m, int n, int i)
if(m==0 && n==0) printf("%s\n", istr);
if(m!=0){ istr[i]=str1[0]; PrintInterleaves(str1+1, str2, istr, m-1, n, i+1); }
if(n!=0) { istr[i]=str2[0]; PrintInterleaves(str1, str2+1, istr, m, n-1, i+1); }
istr=malloc(m+1); istr[m+n]='\0';
Encode space with abc
Trick is to start from end.
void encode(char *str)
//Count number of spaces, return if no space
int newlen=len + numspace*3;
if(str[i]==' ' || str[i]=='\t')
{ str[newlen--]='a'; str[newlen--]='b'; str[newlen]='c'; }
else str[newlen]--]=str[i];
Match wildcard in string
int match_wildcard(char *str1, char *str2)
if(*str1=='\0' && *str2=='\0\') return 1; //end of both strings, done
//ensure chars after * are present in str2.
if(*str1=='*' && *(str1+1)!='\0' && *str2=='\0') return 0;
//Either 1st char of str1 is ?, or current char of both strings match
if(*str1=='?' || *str1==*str2) return match_wildcard(str1+1, str2+1);
//For *, 2 cases. consider current char of str2, OR ignore current char of str2
if(*str1=='*') return match_wildcard(str1+1, str2) || match_wildcard(str1, str2+1);
return 0;
Remove Repeating Letters Recursively/AdjacentPairs
int i, j;
for (i=1; i<=len; i++)
while(str[i]==str[j] && j>=0) //To cancel pairs
{ i++; j--; }
Sliding Window
Find a window that has all characters being looked.
1. Make hash[256] having count of each character to be found
2. Make hashfound[256] having count of characters found till now
Then keep moving window as much right as possible. Update if current window is min so far.
2D array, find if pattern is present in array
Match first element,
When matched, match second in its 8 neighbours
To avoid visiting twice, keep visited array.
If match fails, mark unvisited while backtracking
Longest Palindrome
sO(n) time: Build Suffix Tree and reverse tree => T$revT#
Find deepest node marked with both $ and #.
Longest Common Subsequence
Input: A[0..m-1] B[0..n-1]
Compute: LCS length L[ A[0..m-1], B[0..n-1])
L[ A[0..m-1], B[0..n-1])=1+ L[ A[0..m-2], B[0..n-2])
Last Char Doesn't Match: If A[m-1]!=B[n-1], then
Last char match: L(PQRP, SPRP)=1+ L(PQR, SPR)
Last char does not match: L(PQRSVW, PTSUWX)=max(L(PQRSV, PTSUWX), L(PQRSVW, PTSUW)
Ai, Bj both can not be in LCS.
Traverse 2D array L to print subsequence:
If char in A, B corresponding to L[i][j] , i.e. A[i-1]==B[j-1] are same then include this char in LPS
Else compute value of L[i-1][j] and L[i][j-1] and move in greater value direction.
int L[m+1][n+1], i, j;
if(i==0|j==0) L[i][j]=0
else if(A[i-1]==B[j-1]) L[i][j]=L[i-1][j-1]+1;
else L[i][j]=max(L[i-1][j], L[i][j-1]);
//To print
int index=L[m][n]; char lcstring[index+1]; lcstring[index]='\0';
i=m; j=n;
while(i>0 && j>0)
if(A[i-1]==B[j-1]){ lcstring[index-1]=A[i-1]; i--; j--; index--; }
else if(L[i-1][j] > L[i][j-1]) i--;
else j--;
printf("LCString: %s", lcstring);
Find first non-repeating character from stream in O(1) time
DLL based solution
DLL based solution from GeeksforGeeks
Move even positioned elements to end, maintain order, do inplace
p1q2r3s4t5u6 -> pqrst123456
Think, do reverse of it with same constraints.
If h(P) != h(T), definitely pattern does not match text
If h(P) = h(T), check AreEqual(P, T)
RabinKarp(T, P):
x=rand(1, p-1)
pHash=PolyHash(P, p, x)
for i from 0 to len(T)-len(P):
tHash=PolyHash(T, p, x)
if(pHash!=tHash): continue
if AreEqual(P, T): result.Appent(i)
return result
Average and Best Case O(n+m)
Worst Case O(nm) when P=AA, T=AAAAAAA types.
for (i = 0; i < lpat; i++) //calculate pat, txt hash for this window
pHash = (MAX_CHAR*pHash + pat[i])%prime;
tHash = (MAX_CHAR*tHash + txt[i])%prime;
for (i = 0; i <= ltxt - lpat; i++) //slide pattern
if ( pHash == tHash ) { /*match character by character*/}
if(i < ltxt-lpat) //calculate hash next window value, remove lead/trail digit
tHash=(MAX_CHAR*(tHash - txt[i]*h) + txt[i+lpat])%prime;
if(tHash<0) tHash = (tHash + prime);
If h(P) = h(T), check AreEqual(P, T)
RabinKarp(T, P):
x=rand(1, p-1)
pHash=PolyHash(P, p, x)
for i from 0 to len(T)-len(P):
tHash=PolyHash(T, p, x)
if(pHash!=tHash): continue
if AreEqual(P, T): result.Appent(i)
return result
Average and Best Case O(n+m)
Worst Case O(nm) when P=AA, T=AAAAAAA types.
void rabinkarp(char T[], char P[], int prime)
int lpat=strlen(P), ltxt=strlen(T), pHash=tHash=0;
int h=
pow(MAX_CHAR, lpat-1)%q;for (i = 0; i < lpat; i++) //calculate pat, txt hash for this window
pHash = (MAX_CHAR*pHash + pat[i])%prime;
tHash = (MAX_CHAR*tHash + txt[i])%prime;
for (i = 0; i <= ltxt - lpat; i++) //slide pattern
if ( pHash == tHash ) { /*match character by character*/}
if(i < ltxt-lpat) //calculate hash next window value, remove lead/trail digit
tHash=(MAX_CHAR*(tHash - txt[i]*h) + txt[i+lpat])%prime;
if(tHash<0) tHash = (tHash + prime);
Boyer Moore Bad Character heuristic:
The character of text that does not match with current character of pattern is called bad character. When mismatches, slide pattern such that aligns bad char with its last occurance in pattern.
It starts matching from last char of pat.
Preprocess pattern and store last occurance of every possible character. If the char is not present at all, then slides by len of pattern.
Best Case O(n/m)
Worst Case O(nm) when P=AA, T=AAAAAAA types.
#define NUM_CHAR 256
void badCharHeuristic(char *s, int size, int badchar[256])
int i;
for(i=0; i<size;i++) badchar[i]=-1;
for(i=0; i<size;i++) badchar[(int)s[i]] = i;}
void boyermoore(char *txt, char *pat)
int ltxt=strlen(txt), lpat=strlen(pat),
badchar[256], shift=0; badCharHeuristic(pat, lpat, badchar);
while(shift <= (ltxt-lpat) //shift of pattern wrt txt
int j=lpat-1;
while(j>=0 && pat[j]==txt[shift+j]) j--; //reduce j while pat, txt match at this shift
{//shift pat s.t. next char in txt aligns its last occurrence in pat
printf("Pattern occurs at shift %d\n", shift);
shift += (shift+lpat < ltxt) ? lpat - badchar[ txt[shift+lpat] ] : 1;
//shift pat s.t. bad char in txt aligns its last occurrence in pat shift += max(1, j-badchar[ txt[shift+j] ] )
shift+lpat < ltxt: for case when pat occurs at end of txt
max() ensures + shift. shift -ve when bad char in pat is on right of current char
WorstCase O(n)
Preprocess pattern and generate lps[lpat].
lps is longest proper prefix of pat[0..i] which is also suffix of pat[0..i]
PAT=AAAAA, lps[]={0,1,2,3,4}
PAT=AAABAAA, lps={0,1,2,0,1,2,3}
PAT=AAACAAAAAAC, lps={0,1,2,0,1,2,3,3,3,4}
Value of lps is used to detect next slide.
void computeLPS(char *pat, int M, int *lps)
int len=0, i=1;
lps[0]=0; //always
while(i<M) //calculate lps[i] for i=1..M-1.
if(pat[i] == pat[len])
{ len++; lps[i]=len; i++;}
if(len!=0) len=lps[len-1]; //i not incremented, think AAACAAAA, i=7 ??
else { lps[i]=0; i++;
Preprocess pattern and generate lps[lpat].
lps is longest proper prefix of pat[0..i] which is also suffix of pat[0..i]
PAT=AAAAA, lps[]={0,1,2,3,4}
PAT=AAABAAA, lps={0,1,2,0,1,2,3}
PAT=AAACAAAAAAC, lps={0,1,2,0,1,2,3,3,3,4}
Value of lps is used to detect next slide.
void computeLPS(char *pat, int M, int *lps)
int len=0, i=1;
lps[0]=0; //always
while(i<M) //calculate lps[i] for i=1..M-1.
if(pat[i] == pat[len])
{ len++; lps[i]=len; i++;}
if(len!=0) len=lps[len-1]; //i not incremented, think AAACAAAA, i=7 ??
else { lps[i]=0; i++;
void KMP(char *pat, char *txt)
int lpat=strlen(pat), ltxt=strlen(txt);
int *lps=(int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * lpat), i=0, j=0;
computeLPS(pat, lpat, lps);
if(pat[j]==txt[i]){ j++; i++; }
if(j==lpat){ printf("Fount at %d\n", i-j); j=lps[j-1];}
else if(i<ltxt && pat[j]!=txt[i])
if(j!=0) j=lps[j-1];
else i=i+1;
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